New Primary School, Haddington Road

New Primary School, Haddington Road

Dublin 4
Allegro Acoustics has had substantial input to the development of TGD-021-05 Acoustic Performance in New Primary & Post Primary School Buildings as issued by the Department of Education and Skills. We have also completed acoustic design for a large number of new Primary and Post Primary Schools such as the New Primary School at Haddington Road, Dublin 4.
Allegro Acoustics completed an acoustic design assessment for this school relative to TGD-021-05 and concluded an acoustic design strategy which enables compliance with this document. This involved an assessment of Internal Ambient Noise Levels and associated facade design, Internal Sound Insulation and associated wall & floor design, rain noise assessment and Reverberation Time design. This school includes 24 Classrooms, 8 Special Education Teaching Rooms, Gymnasium, General Purpose Hall, and staff accommodation and offices.
Client: Department of Education and Skills
Architect: Coady Architects
Est. Value: €5m

Date of completion: 2019
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