Goldcrest Student Village NUIG

Goldcrest Student Village NUIG

Corrib Village, Upper Newcastle, Galway
Allegro Acoustics completed all aspects of acoustic design for this 450 bed Student Accommodation facility in Corrib Village, Galway. This facility is linked to the close-by NUIG campus by cycle and pedestrian walkway. Allegro Acoustic carried out extensive 3D environmental noise modelling for this facility to develop a design which naturally attenuates all noise from the facility to nearby residential areas. This facility is acoustically designed to achieve Technical Guidance Document E – Sound. This building was nominated for the Student Accommodation of the Year Award at the 2019 Irish Building and Design Awards.
Architect: Coady Architects
Client: NUIG
Number of Bedspaces: 450
Construction Value: €25m

Date of completion: Mid 2018
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